He hails from the exotic paradise that is eastern Iowa and thus understandably finds the Front Range of the Rockies (visible from the MakeMusic offices) to be “okay, I guess, if you’re into that kind of thing.Garritan Instruments for Finale (also known as GIFF) is the default sample library packaged with Finale*. As such he helps guide daily development work on products ranging from Garritan libraries to Finale. Jon Tschiggfrie’s title is product manager, audio/notation at MakeMusic. While at just over 13 GB it’s still a sizable download, we think you’ll appreciate having another option, especially if you find yourself 1000 miles from home and unsure of where you left your CFX flash drive. From here you can choose to download any Garritan library you’ve purchased. This will bring you the My Account page with the My Software tab selected. To do so, go to, click on MY ACCOUNT, and login. So whether you’re buying the full CFX for the first time, or are simply reinstalling it, you can download the installer from your Garritan account. Now, starting this week, the CFX is downloadable. This was due in part to its size and to the fact that it was first released when fast internet connections were less commonplace. Previously, the Garritan Abbey Road Studios CFX Concert Grand virtual piano has never been available for download.

The installer for every non-CFX Garritan library has been updated: Personal Orchestra 5, Instant Orchestra, Jazz and Big Band 3, World Instruments, Concert and Marching Band 2, Classic Pipe Organs, and Harps. Since then, however, we have updated all the installers again, this time to improve compatibility with Finale version 26, which was released on Octo. That work has been completed, for every library, for some time. Earlier this year I reported that we were in the process of updating all Garritan installers, primarily to support current Macintosh operating systems.